Degree Plan Information
A degree plan is an outline of the requirements needed to complete a specific degree, certificate, or occupational skills award. You can find these plans in the Degrees and Awards section of the Blinn College Catalog and on the program’s page at For example, the degree plans for an Associate of Applied Science in Accounting and a Level-2 Certificate in Accounting are available at
Degree plans are essential for planning your academic journey, but they should not be your only resource. It is crucial to meet with an academic advisor or program coordinator before registering for each semester. They can help ensure you are fulfilling your degree requirements and selecting courses that align with your academic goals, including graduation and transfer.
As you work towards your degree, use the Your Degree Progress tool within your myBLINN student portal to monitor your progress. This tool displays your current degree plan at Blinn, along with the credits you have in progress, completed, and transferred. You can also view your grades for completed courses and add future courses to see how they fit into your plan.
Before applying for graduation, please review your degree progress which is located within your myBLINN account.
Under Links at the top of the degree audit, there is a video “How to Use your Degree Audit” for more assistance.
If there is a down arrow in the Degree box, you can toggle between the different majors, certificates or occupational skills awards you may be following. If there is not a down arrow, you are following only one major.
Check that the major listed is the major that you have been following. If the major is not correct, please contact the advising office to have a Change of Major form submitted.
Check the Degree Progress percentage. If the percentage is less than 98%, there may be issues to address. Below are examples of possible issues.
If the Texas Success Initiative Check is incomplete, you may need to complete appropriate college-level classes or re-take the TSIA to earn a higher score to become college-ready.
If the major is incomplete, there may be “Unmet Conditions”. The following are common “Unmet Conditions”:
- Not meeting the residency requirement of at least 25% of the degree, certificate or occupational skills award being completed at Blinn College.
- Not having 9 credits of Sophomore-level classes for an associate degree.
- Not having a GPA of 2.00 or higher. GPAs are re-calculated after final grades are posted. Transferred course are not calculated into the Blinn College GPA.
On the degree audit, next to each course will be a symbol showing if the class is complete, in-progress or not complete. Courses that are not complete will need to be added before students apply for graduation.
If a student has completed or will be completing classes at another college or university, official transcripts with final grades need to be sent to Blinn College to transfer those classes.
As “Unmet Conditions” and “Not Complete” classes are resolved, the Degree Progress percentage will increase.
Please contact the advising office if you have questions about unmet conditions or not completed classes -
If the degree audit for the major shows 98% and In-Progress or 100% and Complete, the student may be eligible for graduation in the current or the next up-coming semester. The staff of the graduation office will review degree audits after students apply for graduation for accuracy. The graduation office will send graduation status emails within 1-3 weeks of applying.
To apply for graduation, click on the Apply for Graduation icon in your myBLINN.